Nautical facilities
On the Way of St. James


Street: Peirao de Santo Adrán de Cobres

36141  Vilaboa - Pontevedra

42º 18' 04.2" N - 8º 39' 13.7" W
+34 986 673 807
+34 618 826 330
+34 659 434 657
+34 986 672 545

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route
Portiguese Route by coast


Una vez en tierra: Towards the northeast, the estuary narrows at Rande, where it is crossed by the highway that connects Vigo to the north of Galicia by means of a spectacular suspension bridge that, like a giant mussel platform, blends harmoniously just like those that cover the surrounding sea surface. Beyond the strait is the parish of Santo Adrán de Cobres, which lies opposite the sheltered inlet of San Simón, designated a Site of Community Importance in the Natura 2000 Network. In this inlet is the historic island of San Simón, which, being somewhat distant from the coast, was inhabited originally by the Knights Templar and later a monastery and then a leper colony. From 1936 to 1943, it was used as a prison for political prisoners; currently, it is a refurbished space for cultural uses.
The town of Vilaboa has one of the most attractive Entroidos (carnivals), with richly dressed characters from Damas e Galáns. Its hills have excellent viewpoints over the Pontevedra and Vigo estuaries, from which the Arousa estuary can be seen, such as the one atop Cotorredondo (525 m).
Night Approximation: Proceed in the same way, taking into account the buoy markers:
Approaching from the S, sail based on the light from the lighthouse on the Cíes Islands (Gp Fl(2)W 8s 187m 22M) and from Cabo Silleiro (Gp Fl(2+1)W 15s 82m 24M). Once the latter is to starboard, sail past the buoy on Boeiro islet (Gp Fl(2)R 8s 23m 5M) and W compass point (Gp Al(9)W 15s 5M) on the As Serralleiras islets. Once situated, sail along the 069º leading line of Cabo Stay (ant. Iso W 2s 18m 18M and post. at 660 m from the ant. Oc W 4s 50m 18M) until you reach the opposition line of the light on Punta Lameda (Gp Fl(2)G 8s 29m 5M) and Cabo Vicos (Gp Fl(3)R 9s 94m 10M). Once situated, sail bearing 040º based on the light on the Tofiño shoal (Gp Fl(4)G 14s 11m 5M) and on Borneira rock (Gp Fl(2)R 7s 13m 7M). With the Bajo Rodeira “10” buoy (Gp Fl(3)R 9s 5M) and the Salguirón shoal buoy (Gp Fl(2+1)R 15s 5M) to port and the buoys at the port of Vigo to starboard, pass to the S of Con de Pego shoal (Gp Fl(4)R 11s 9m 5M), sailing based on the buoys at the port of O Con (Gp Fl(4)R 11s 11m 5M) and Moaña (Gp Fl(3)R 9s 9m 5M), between which you will find the Moaña Mar marina, with its red and green lights at the entrance to the port.
Day aproximación: The port facilities at Porto de Santo Adrán de Cobres are located on the N coast of the Vigo estuary. To reach the port, enter the estuary through the S channel (the main one), following the course established by the Cabo Stay leading line. Once past the Punta Lameda – Cabo Vicos opposition line, set a course of 041º, as indicated by the leading line between the Borneira tower/marker buoy (S of Cabo Balea) and the tower on Rodeira beach and the Domaio mountain/lighthouse. Once you have Toralla Island off the starboard beam, set a course to pass the marker buoy on the Tofiño shoal to starboard and, then, continue sailing into the estuary leaving the Rodeira shoal and the Con de Pego buoys to the port side, at which point you will see the O Con, Moaña and Moaña Mar port facilities off the prow.


Number of temporary moorings: 20
Maximum recommended length (m): 18
Number of permanent moorings: 280
Depth at inner harbour (m): 2
Depth at harbour mouth (m): 4

Navigation charts

SHOM: 7595
I.H.M.: 416,416B,4165
Admiralty: 2548,1757

Services facility

Access for persons with reduced mobility
Boat rental
Car Park
Electricity at berth
Manned security
Marpol service
Meteorological information
Restricted access to pontoons
Sailing club
Showers and WC
Water supply at berth
Wifi Zone
Activities and sports Nautical facilities Nautical-Sporting facilities. Sea