Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 23/08 - 27/08


Parish: San Pedro de Viveiro (San Pedro)

Viveiro - Lugo

43º 37' 10.9" N - 7º 35' 38.9" W


The valley formed by the River Landro in O Naseiro, in the parish of San Pedro, becomes a town of booths, stalls, and a market with stages and attractions where people camp (some with all the luxury of comforts brought from home) to enjoy five days with nights of entertainment, food, and drink.
The festival is also known as “festa do bo xantar” (festival of good food) since each day (the big day, Sunday) is dedicated to a delicacy. Octopus, shellfish, sweets, meat, sardines, and broth are consumed massively to the sound of bagpipes and brass bands during the day and da verbena at night.
It all began in the years of the Republic, when the employer of a foundry invited his workers to a meal as a maneuver to avoid the 30 days of vacation to which they were rightfully entitled. He organized the meal on the third to last Sunday in August, so that the employees, grateful for their generosity, would return to work early.
In addition to the food events, the humorous descent of the Landro River is also traditional, a competition that tests the imagination and sense of humor of the participants with outlandish boats and costumes. 

Humorous descent of the Landro river.

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest