Natural spaces
On the Way of St. James



Barreiros | Foz | Lourenzá | Mondoñedo

43º 33' 13.1" N - 7º 15' 13.2" W


The Masma is a worthy representative of the rivers of the Galician Cantabrian slope. A short course (46.2 km), which begins at an altitude of 900 metres and whose erosive power results in wide valleys like the Mondoñedo valley; indigenous plant life amongst forests produced by reforestation; and finally, the formation of high estuaries accompanied at their mouth by inter-tidal plains, is surrounded by mud flats. In the case of the Ría de Foz, it is closed in by the beaches of A Rapadoira, on the left bank, and the beach of O Altar, on the right. The estuary is an internationally famous migratory and resting point for birds.
There are many routes along the river, one of Galicia’s best salmon streams. One of the best is that of Pena Cornería (437m), although you need to be in good shape to make the ascent on foot. The reward is in the landscape, with panoramic views of the whole Marina coast. There are other accessible lookouts, such as the peak of A Lebre (Foz), and recreation areas, like that of Fervenza (Viloalle) with artificial river swimming pools in a tributary of the Masma, close to Mondoñedo.


N-642 (Ribadeo-San Cibrao) and N- 634 (from Mondoñedo).

The Ways of St. James

The Northern Camino


Between the central and eastern A Mariña in Lugo, in the coastal municipalities of Foz and Barreiros and the inland municipalities of Mondoñedo and Lourenzá.


SCI 575.17 hectares of which 343 hectares are sea water.

Further features

Bird watching
Special Protection Area

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Nature Natural spaces ZEC - natura 2000