Estuaries and beaches


42º 56' 40.2" N - 9º 11' 26.4" W


The Ría de Corcubión draws an arc that stretches to the south. It has an open form and is really a wide cove protected by the stone annexe of the Fisterra cape that spreads southwards, and enclosed a marine area.
Granite rocks condition the countryside once more. The crag appears clearly and changingly at the same time. Monte Pindo is dominated by shapes moulded in the granite (specifically granodiorite) rock. Several kilometres scale rocky peaks simulating pointed castles, long slabs, rounded domes, figures of fantastic beings, stony ground... From the summit too, in A Moa more than 600 metres high, we have an incredibly beautiful view with the village of O Pindo at its feet and cape Fisterra in the background.
Amidst this exceptional countryside are the falling waters of the river Xallas. The Fervenza, in Ézaro, is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular parts of the Galician coast. The construction of dams upstream of its mouth means that it can be seen on certain days of the year, but despite this, it is possible to admire a corner of great beauty.
To the west, at cape Fisterra the granite is different and the shapes too. The presence of the sea and the lighthouse whose lights and sound guide the ships to prevent more tragedies, has created a world of myths and magic that join their charm in San Guillermo.
This all means that like the former legionaries of Rome, the travellers that go there, wait for the magic time when the "green flash" appears.
And to the south, the rock destroyed by time and taken away by the waters is accumulated on the Carnota sandbank, the largest in Galicia with a length of eight kilometres between the Caldebarcos and Nosa Señora dos Remedios points. Beach and dunes enclose marshlands such as the Boca do Río, where the granite forms stand out of the water.

O Pindo and Fisterra bear witness to the rich ethnography of the region. The Ara Solis, a place for sun worshipping, where, according to legend, the roman legions came each evening to see the sun or Dugium die, with its legend of sea horizons and cities flooded by the waters serve as an example.
On the other hand, the permanence of fertility rites in stones of Fisterra (the end of the land and the beginning of the mare tenebrosum for centuries of culture) are traits that talk of the survival of traditions in these places.
But stone is transformed at the hand of man, giving rise to the small villages scattered along the coast and the towns of Fisterra, Corcubión and Cee. The first of the two sea towns and the third industrial, they contain beautiful buildings highlighted by glass galleries and buildings flanked by arcades.
