Nautical facilities
Tourism Quality


Street: Porto Deportivo s/n

36940  Cangas - Pontevedra

42º 16' 01.0" N - 8º 47' 31.9" W
+34 986 304 246
+34 647 641 238
+34 986 304 246


Una vez en tierra: O Morrazo peninsula offers a different view of the Vigo estuary.
There is a great amount of activity at the port of Cangas, which increases with the traffic of the shuttles to Vigo, especially in the summer. In the city centre, you should take in the traditional architecture in its houses with their patín-style terraces and the tour of the former collegiate church. The old weather station known as O Reloxo is also a unique piece of work.
Historically, Cangas was a desired port, as reflected by the fact that it has been devastated and rebuilt several times following sackings by pirates, Normans and Ottoman corsairs. Popular literature tells the tale of women going mad due to the death of all the men in the attack by the Turks in 1617 and being accused by the Inquisition of being witches.
Nearby, you will find excellent sandy beaches, such as Barra beach, around the spectacular Costa da Vela, located in the Cabo Home strait, opposite the Cíes Islands. You can also see the baroque O Hío stone cross, the most famous and lovely in Galicia.
Night Approximation: Proceed in the same way, taking into account the buoy markers:
Approaching from the S, sail based on the light from the lighthouse on the Cíes Islands (Gp Fl(2)W 8s 187m 22M) and from Cabo Silleiro (Gp Fl(2+1)W 15s 82m 24M). Once the latter is to starboard, sail past the buoy on Boeiro islet (Gp Fl(2)R 8s 23m 5M) and W compass point (Gp Al(9)W 15s 5M) on the As Serralleiras islets. Once situated, sail along the 069º leading line of cape Stay (ant Iso W 2s 18m 18M and 660 m post from the ant Oc W 4s 50m 18M) until you are opposite the light on Lameda point (Gp Fl(2)G 8s 29m 5M) and cape Vicos (Gp Fl(3)R 9s 94m 10M). Once situated, sail bearing 040º based on the light on the Tofiño shoal (Gp Fl(4)G 14s 11m 5M) and on Borneira rock (Gp Fl(2)R 7s 13m 7M). Leave the light on Salgueirón (Gp Fl(2+1)R 15s 15M) to port and you will see the lights on the port of Cangas breakwaters (Fl R 5s 10m 5M, Gp Fl(2+1)R 15s 2m 1M and Fl G 4s 1M).
Day aproximación: The Cangas marina is located on the N coast of the Vigo estuary, between Cabo Balea and Punta Rodeira. To reach the port, enter the estuary through the S channel (the main one), following the course indicated by the leading line on Cabo Stay (069º). Once you have passed the Punta Lameda – Cabo Vicos (on the island of San Martín) opposition line, set a course of 041º, which is indicated by the leading line between the Borneira tower/marker buoy (S of Cabo Balea) and the tower on Rodeira beach and the Domaio mountain/lighthouse. Continue on this course until you have passed the red marker buoy on Borneira rock to port, at which time you will see the breakwater at the Cangas fishing port. Once you have gone around the exterior sheltering breakwater, you will find the fishing quay to port and the marina to the N of the interior breakwater.


Travel lift (tons): 64
Maximum recommended length (m): 20
Number of temporary moorings: 24
Number of permanent moorings: 269
Depth at harbour mouth (m): 5
Width of harbout mouth (m): 125
Depth at inner harbour (m): 3
Crane (tons): 8

Navigation charts

SHOM: 7595
I.H.M.: 416,416B,9242,4165
Admiralty: 2548,1757

Services facility

Car Park
Electricity at berth
Engine mechanic & electrician
Hull treatments
Manned security
Marpol service
Night lighting
Public telephone
Radio (VHF 9)
Rubbish collection
Sailing club
Showers and WC
Slipway ramp
Unleaded Petrol Fuel
Water supply at berth
Wifi Zone
Activities and sports Nautical facilities Nautical-Sporting facilities. Sea