

Camariñas - A Coruña

43º 07' 49.0" N - 9º 10' 50.2" W


This town, situated at the entrance to the estuary of the same name, is considered a peaceful haven amongst the threatening coastline that surrounds it. It is protected by A Barca Point and Cape Vilán. The population centre still preserves many traditional houses and in its quiet streets one can feel the atmosphere of the fishing villages of old.
Camariñas is renowned today as the birthplace of the famous bobbin lace, an art carried out with great skill by local women. Some sources affirm that it was an Italian traveller who introduced the craft of the "palilleira" (bobbin lace maker), whilst others place its origin in the Netherlands. Wherever it came from, the truth is that watching these lacemakers' skilful hands as they expertly and lovingly criss-cross the threads to form delicate pieces is something not to be missed.
At the "Museo do Encaixe" (Lace Museum) one can see examples from Camariñas and from other places in the world, some of them centuries old, as well as exhibits of the tools used to make them. The "Festa do Encaixe" (Lace Festival), held during Holy Week, attracts craftswomen from various countries. The festival's activities include exhibitions, sales and contests. In short, Camariñas has managed to preserve the tradition of an ancestral craft, and at the same time revitalise it for the future.