General information

These provisions regulate the use of the Tourism of Galicia web portal (hereinafter, the "Portal') made available to internet users by the Xunta de Galicia.

The Xunta de Galicia is the owner of the domain and the different elements included in it.

The content provided via this Portal is published for information purposes only and does not replace the provisions and acts that are formally published in official journals. Although every effort shall be made to ensure that information contained within is exact and up to date, the Xunta de Galicia cannot guarantee the absence of errors in the content featured on this Portal, nor that it is completely up to date.

The Xunta de Galicia shall not be liable for any damages caused by the illegitimate or improper use of the tools and information contained in the Portal, with the exception of any actions resulting from the application of the legal provisions to which they are subject in the strict exercise of its functions.

The Xunta de Galicia shall assume no liability in relation to the connection or content of links to external pages over which it has no control, and the user of this Portal must, in any case, comply with the specific conditions of use of such links.

The Xunta de Galicia reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, changes and updates to the information contained within the Portal or to its layout or presentation.

Intellectual and industrial property

The intellectual property rights for this website and its contents are held by the General Administration and the autonomous public sector of Galicia.

The information available on this Portal is subject to copyright. Reusable information is available via the portal, although it can also be found on the Galician Agency for Tourism portal and is subject to the same rights as the information found on the portal The information that the Galician Agency for Tourism provides via the portal  may be reproduced in whole or in part, amended, distributed and communicated for commercial and non-commercial use, subject to the following conditions:

  • Information content may under no circumstances be distorted.
  • The user must cite the source of any reused documents.

This licence does not reduce or restrict the exclusive rights of the holder of the intellectual property rights, such as the design of the Portal and source codes, trademarks, trade names, logos or distinctive signs, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Act or #any other applicable laws.

Cookie Policy

The Galicia Tourism web portal uses its own cookies necessary for its correct functioning and third-party cookies for analytical purposes, as well as links to third-party portals in order to share content on social networks. 

A cookie is a small text file that a website can download to your computer in order to obtain and retrieve browser information. Cookies can serve various purposes, for example to recognise you as a user, to obtain information about your browsing habits or to personalise the way in which content is shown to you.

The cookies used on this website can be classified into the three categories listed below. That said, it should be noted that the same cookie may be included in more than one category.

Types of cookies according to how long they last:

  • session cookies: these are created temporarily and are deleted once you close the browser.
  • persistent cookies: these remain on the browser for a set period of time and are activated each time the user re-visits the same website.

Types of cookies depending on the entity that manages them:

  • proprietary cookies: these are sent to the team and managed exclusively by the Xunta de Galicia, which only obtains and keeps the information related to the session data and language. These are necessary in order for the user to be able to view and use the Portal.
  • third-party cookies: for this Portal, these are sent from a domain managed by an entity other than the Xunta de Galicia.

Types of cookies according to their purpose:

  • technical cookies: these allow the user to browse the Portal and use the services available.
  • analytical cookies: these are used to measure and analyse the behaviour of users on the portal in order to make improvements to it.
  • preference cookies: these store information for personalising the user experience, for example, the language chosen.

Description of the cookies

This portal uses the following cookies:

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Type of cookie Cookie Purpose Policy
Third-party (Queue-it)Queue-itThis is used to distinguish unique usersQueue-it - Data protection
Third-party (Queue-it)QueueITAccepted-*-V3_tourismVirtual waiting roomQueue-it - Data protection
Third-party (addThis)locRecords browsing dataAddThis - Data protection
Third-party (addThis)uvcRecords visits through web pagesAddThis - Data protection
ProprietaryJSESSIONIDMaintains the user session on the platformXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
ProprietaryTGWS_IDMaintains the user sessionXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
ProprietaryTSSESSIONIDRecords the connection node to the platformXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
ProprietaryCOOKIE_SUPPORTRecords whether the browser has cookies enabledXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
ProprietaryCookieAcceptTurismoRecords your agreement to the portal's cookie policyXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
ProprietaryGUEST_LANGUAGE_IDRecords user language preferencesXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
ProprietarySCREEN_NAMEStores the data from the user session on the platformXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
Proprietarycookiesession1Manages the user session on the platformXunta de Galicia - Cookie Policy
Third-party (Google)_gaUsed to distinguish unique usersGoogle Analytics - Data protection
Third-party (Google)NIDStores user data for Google services such as recaptchaGoogle Analytics - Data protection
Third-party (Google)CONSENTRecords user cookie preferencesGoogle Analytics - Data protection
Third-party (Google)OTZStores user data for Google services such as recapchaGoogle Analytics - Data protection
Third-party (Google)AECStores user data for Google services such as recaptchaGoogle Analytics - Data protection
Third-party (Google)_GRECAPTCHAProvides protection against spamGoogle Analytics - Data protection

 Third-party services

Galicia Tourism is also present in third-party portals and services for which it is recommended that users read the relative privacy and cookie policies: 

Terms and Conditions of Use 

The tourist information generated by the activity carried out by the Galician Agency for Tourism is the subject of intellectual property and is protected by the Consolidated Text of the Law on Intellectual Property approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of 12 April 1996.

This information is collected and processed by the Galician Agency for Tourism with the utmost reliability afforded by current technology, providing this service according to the means available at any given time.

The information disclosed through this application is offered free of charge for liberal public use, under the sole condition of expressly mentioning the Galician Agency for Tourism as the source of the information each time it is used for purposes other than private use.

The Galician Agency for Tourism shall not be held liable for any damage that may be caused by the interpretation and use of the information made available to the public through the application.

The Galician Agency for Tourism does not guarantee the presentation of all tourist information continuously on the website and reserves the right to modify, add to or delete the information contained therein.

Users can log in or register on the Galicia Tourism portal in the “My trip” section, which is a service for managing their stay in Galicia. Within this service, there are three options for managing a trip: before, during and after. 

Any information collected in the “My trip” section shall be visible only to the user. 

 Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection

 In compliance with current legislation on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) as well as Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantees of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), we hereby inform you of the following: 

 Data Controller

The Data Controller is the Galician Agency for Tourism (hereinafter, the Agency) with registered office at Crta. Santiago – Noia Km.3, 15897, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña), web:

Data Protection Officer

You can contact the Data Protection Officers at the following link: Data Protection Officers - Xunta de Galicia 

Purposes, legal bases and data collected

This web portal only collects personal data provided by the users on an optional basis when they register to use the services provided by “My trip”. 
The Agency shall process the data in its capacity as data controller for the purposes and in accordance with the legal bases given below:

  • The data subject consents to the processing of their personal data for specified purposes.
  • Identification and contact details: e-mail address, photograph. 
  • Personal details (nationality and date of birth)
  • .

The data of persons registering on the portal may be used for the following purposes: 

  •  For the production of statistics.  

Data retention period

  • Data shall be kept until the purposes for which they are processed are fulfilled or until the guaranteed rights are exercised.

Transfer or disclosure of data 

  • Data shall not be transferred or disclosed to third parties during their processing or once their purposes have been fulfilled, nor during their retention period, except in order to comply with specific applicable legal obligations.

Rights guaranteed with regard to the protection of personal data

Further information on the exercise of rights can be found at: Rights of the data subject regarding their personal data - Xunta de Galicia

.Changes to the Privacy Policy

The agency reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time in accordance with current legislation on data protection. We recommend that you review the privacy policy on a regular basis. 

More information

You can read more about this information here aquí

Use of languages

 Article 13 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, guarantees the exercise of the language rights recognised in the legal system and, in particular, those referring to the use of Galician in citizen relations with the Galician Public Administration. To this end, the Portal shall ensure the minimum provision of its contents and services in Galician and in Spanish.

 Applicable law and jurisdiction

All disputes arising from or relating to the use of this Portal shall be governed by Spanish law under the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Santiago de Compostela.

