On the Way of St. James


Parish: Ledesma (San Salvador)

Place: Ledesma

15882  Boqueixón - A Coruña

42º 47' 36.9" N - 8º 20' 11.0" W


Shape and construction features allow us to attribute this bridge to the 16th or 17th centuries. Up until the last century, a toll was charged at the entrance to the bridge. During the Peninsular Wars, a battle against the French army was lost here, with locals from the area led by several priests, under the orders of the Marquis of La Romana. It has nine arches, all in stone blocks. The vaults are supported by stone piers, with triangular cutwaters upstream and trapezoid ones downstream. The curve is almost horizontal in the central section, descending towards the accesses. The possibility of using the river for bathing is an added attraction in the features of this remarable bridge.

The Ways of St. James

The Winter Camino
Vía de la Plata