Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 14/06 - 15/06


Malpica de Bergantiños - A Coruña

43º 20' 22.9" N - 8º 49' 53.9" W


From the chapel of Santo Hadrián do Mar, you can see the Sisargas islands, a natural refuge for seagulls and sea crows.
This unique landscape of the Costa da Morte gives this pilgrimage an added incentive as the small 16th-century chapel is located on the cape of Santo Hadrián.
This is where the indefatigable pilgrims have to climb up with the saint on their shoulders from the parish church of San Xulián in Malpica.
At dawn, after the announcement of fireworks and bombs, an unforgettable five-kilometre route begins, which passes along paths and beaches.
As it passes by the beach of Seaia, a snake carved on a stone reminds us that Saint Hadrian delivered this area from a terrible plague.
Most of the pilgrims go on foot, although it is not uncommon to see pilgrims on horseback.
The pilgrimage attracts thousands of devotees not only from the Costa da Morte, but from all over Galicia.
Near the chapel, the pilgrims wash in the fountain of miraculous waters, which are very good for skin diseases, especially warts.
Afterward, they hang the handkerchiefs from the surrounding trees.
During the day, the chapel hosts several masses while the image of the saint is venerated.
There's no shortage of octopus and music, and families enjoy a picnic lunch.

Not to be missed:
The pilgrims walk with the saint on their shoulders from the parish church of San Xulián de Malpica to the hermitage, located on the cape of Santo Hadrián.

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest