On the Way of St. James


Ferrol - A Coruña

43º 29' 31.6" N - 8º 14' 37.0" W

The Ways of St. James

The English Camino

The Walk

A Malata Walk
The backwater of the ría de Ferrol

This walk is well known by Ferrol locals but not so well known by visitors. We suggest to start the walk along the enseada da Malata at the car park in front of the FIMO fairgrounds. This route is also suitable for cyclists, practically flat, and will take us to A Cabana, where we will find a small recreational area and a playground for children.

During the tour we can enjoy the views of this backwater of the ría de Ferrol, where many birds seek refuge. On the horizon, the neighbourhood of Canido, the commercial port and the military zone of A Graña frame the entrance to this small cove where we will find an old cetaria next to praia da Cabana. We are in the most hidden corner of the ría which in the 18th century became an important naval base. Ferrol was the capital of the Northern Maritime Department, thanks to its strategic position and the appearance of the ría itself, very narrow at its mouth, guarded by the castles of A Palma and San Felipe and a series of complementary military batteries, and which opens out to form several coves, perfect for the shelter of ships.


Length: 1.8 km (one way)
starting point:
FIMO car park (43°29'32.22"N / 8°14'29.12"W)
End Point : A Cabana (43°29'11.84''N / 8°15'32.11''W)


Urban walks
Initial pickup date: 01/01/2021