

Parish: Seceda (San Silvestre)

Place: Seceda

27325  Folgoso do Courel - Lugo

42º 37' 25.5" N - 7º 13' 27.2" W


There is a lot to see in the parish of Seceda. It is located in an impressive setting, where everything is immersed in green. Its steep streets pass on many occasions under overhead passages which join houses that have common roofs, thus forming the classic medieval structure called "empoleirada".
The village has undergone restoration which has visibly improved its neglected appearance and has given it great charm. Façades, roofs, stairways and streets have been restored. Seceda has a rural tourism establishment and a bar excavated in the rock in the upper part of the village, which is quite well conserved. The village church is slightly set apart from the urban centre, on a south-facing hill.
In this area we also find the Castro de A Torre, from the 2nd to 4th centuries A.D., also called Sobredo as it is located in this village. It is located on a large promontory and right on a curve of the LU- 561 road. Access is signposted, and after walking a few metres, we come to the settlement. It has amazing views of the mountain range, pre-Roman ceramic remains were found here and we can see the structure of a square tower which gives the settlement its name. The defensive moat measures about 100 m and is 15 to 20 m deep. There is also an interesting water deposit excavated in the living rock.


Good of Cultural Interest