On the Way of St. James


Parish: Verín (Santa María a Maior)

Place: Verín

Praza da Merced

32600  Verín - Ourense

41º 56' 27.0" N - 7º 26' 11.0" W
+34 988 410 000
+34 988 410 001
+34 988 410 103
+34 988 411 900


Its original location was in Monterrei. It was founded in 1484, by initiative of the Count Sancho Fernández de Ulloa. Due to the castle´s defensive importance, the community was set up in Verín, in 1557. After the disestablishment, they acquired part of their old property in 1933, and it is now a college for aspiring Mercedarians. The convent is located in the square that bears its name, previously the gardens of "Muñoz Calero". It consists of two parts, one devoted to the community and another for worship. The present-day construction mostly dates from the 18th century. Part of the masonry brought from Monterrei was used in it, as has been discovered in recent works, where cut stones have appeared, together with the remains of arches, parts of columns, tombstones like those at Monterrei, and even a stone dated 1603. Outside, highlights are the tower and facade. The tower is a Baroque composition, it has four openings for the bells, a small stone balcony on small consoles and a balcony with a balustrade. It has another, second section of the same type, and with a Herrerian-style pinnacle on the dome, and other pinnacles on the volutes at a tangent to the small chapel. According to an inscription it was built in 1738. It is a private college, so it is not open to the puiblic. Nevertheless, in certain cases, a visit may be previously arranged with the Mercedarians.


We come to Avda. Luis Espada, take a turning to the right which takes us to Plaza de la Merced, where we can see the Convent of the same name.

The Ways of St. James

Vía de la Plata



Religious order
