Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 01/08 - 01/08


Parish: Cesullas (Santo Estevo)

Place: San Fins

Cabana de Bergantiños - A Coruña

43º 12' 20.9" N - 8º 55' 21.9" W


The Festa de San Fins do Castro, around the hermitage located in the middle of a beautiful forest in Cesullas, owes its continuity to the work of the parish priest Saturnino Cuíñas, who was the one who pushed for it in the 1930s. Pilgrims arrive here with the conviction that the waters emanating from a nearby spring cure warts, so the tradition is to approach it and wet oneself with a handkerchief that is then left there. The miracle will happen when the handkerchiefs dry.
Until now, it has been a tradition. Because current times give the festival a very different image with a crowd of young men and women soaked in red wine, as excited in front of the image of the priest of Cesullas on a stage as they might be at a rock concert. It is the image of the berro seco ceremony, a 2000 year old tradition, in which the public cries out in unison in order to to remove bad spirits from the body. The youth, who hold their own wine battle in a restricted area, then launch a second berro seco which is accompanied by controversy, but is on the way to making history.
The traditional country pilgrimage, animated throughout the day with bagpipe music, is completed with another unique act: the burning of the Santo da Pólvora, an artisanal monument consisting of two dolls that portray a traditional trade, which is blown up before the morning dances. 

Not to be missed:
The three berros secos with which bad spirits are expelled from the body.

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest