The centuries-old A Fervenza is an indigenous wood that is regularly flooded by the river. At those times the more than 300-year-old oaks and monumental alders bathe in the currents, refreshing themselves, relieving the ravages of time. Lakes, ponds and tidal islands decorate this unique landscape.

The woods of da Fervenza are located in the upper course of the River Miño in a Reserva da Biosfera. They are some of the most important flooded woods on the Iberian peninsular and are well conserved, with primary forests of alder, oak, ash and willow.

The river’s waters seem to boil and rage in the rapids and weirs that lead up to a mill. As we say in Galician, these are the woods of the fervenza. 

Bosque da Fervenza Route
Starting pointRoute typeKmEstimated time requiredTerrain difficultyOrientation difficulty
Casa rural A Fervenza (O Corgo)Linear3,52 h 30 min.LowLow
PROFILE: All walkers

The woods of da Fervenza form part of an ecosystem that extends along the whole bank of the River Miño and is protected as a Biosphere Reserve. It is linked to the city of Lugo by natural paths that are simple and easy to follow.

In an act of love that is repeated on various occasions throughout the year, the Fervenza woods become part of the river and the river becomes part of the woods.

The journey from the provincial capital is of about 15 km of pleasant walking on an almost flat track among riverbank woods, mills, islands, rural landscapes and the river with its waters as an ever-present reference. For those of you who have the time and are curious to discover each landscape in depth, perhaps walking or cycling from Lugo is the nicest way of getting to know this singular area. For those of you who wish to take it a bit easier, there is the option of stopping at an inn in the woods in order to return the next day with a smile on your lips that will last a good while.

Once you enter into the woods of da Fervenza, whether on the natural trails or by road you will find that there are various routes that meet, join, and run alongside each other. They will serve as your guide depending on the level of the river at each season of the year. And what if you visit the woods at a time when the river and the woods merge into a single, wild landscape? The routes in the higher section of the woods will take you to different points where you can witness this great meeting of water and woods. And what if the sun, heat and bathing opportunities are a real temptation? Then you will find that there are various paths that will take you to beautiful pools nestling among rocks and the abundant vegetation of the riverbanks. You can even follow paths that will take you into the heart of the ancient oak forests with dark lakes full of life and mystery. And to top off this journey of the senses, there is a good network of tracks and detours that you can explore at leisure, inventing the route that best suits your mood without fear of getting lost.

Wherever you go, whatever route you take, this land and its river will captivate you! We also recommend that you visit this woodland at different times of year so that you can witness the magical changes that happen with the passing of the seasons.

