Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 23/08 - 25/08


Parish: Salvaterra (San Lourenzo)

36450  Salvaterra de Miño - Pontevedra

42º 04' 49.2" N - 8º 29' 45.6" W


The Festa do Viño do Condado do Tea, the second-oldest wine festival in Galicia, was able to adapt to the new times and even grow. Today, it is an important event for all lovers of our gastronomy, which blends perfectly with our culture and has become the most important tourist showcase of the municipality. It is worth noting that the location where it is held, in the Fortress of Salvaterra, a historic site declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, helps to enhance the millenary character of this village and the cross-border identity of our municipality.
Throughout the festival, it is possible to enjoy the best wines from the Condado do Tea sub-zone of the Rías Baixas D.O. (Designation of Origin). The festival also offers the best gastronomic products from the sea, the river, and the land. Sitting quietly on the terraces set up for the occasion, you can enjoy a delicious meal with your family or friends while listening to the various live concerts offered during the gastronomic evenings of the Festa do Viño do Condado do Tea.
The big day is Sunday, on which the Delicious Wines of the Year are announced and the solemn appointment of the members of the brotherhood, the effective ambassadors responsible for defending and spreading the virtues of our wines and of our Town Council, takes place.

Gastronomic evenings: a mix of gastronomy and culture.
Sunday morning: appointment of members of the brotherhoods and declaration of the Delicious Wines of the Year.

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest