In November, the forests and countryside offer an ample palette of ochre and yellow - the evening dress with which autumn welcomes a number of wintering species from the north. In addition, the coast is populated by these new visitors: various species of sea and waterbirds arrive on our shores in November, providing excellent bird watching opportunities.

Again, the main destination is the coast

In the wetlands, in addition to waders, herons and gulls, a new group gains importance as winter approaches: Anatidae. The frequent mallards are joined by northern pintails and eurasian wigeons, the small and quick teals and even common pochards, tufted ducks and greater scaups. The Rías de Ribadeo and Foz, the Ría de Ortigueira, the Lagoa de Valdoviño in Ferrolterra, O Grove, the Ría de Vigo and A Guarda are excellent places to watch them.

Sanderling (Calidris alba)
Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)
Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis)
Wintering waterbirds also begin to settle in the inland wetlands

Over the course of a few days, the Lagoa de Cospeito and other A Terra Chá wetlands bear witness to how the numbers of ducks increase, especially eurasian teals. Other good viewing points not to be underestimated are the reservoirs of Abegondo-Cecebre, A Fervenza e Baíñas and Vilagudín and Vilasenín.

The passage of migrating seabirds off the capes is still substantial

Estaca de Bares, the Punta do Roncudo on the Costa da Morte and Cabo Silleiro provide excellent opportunities to watch hundreds of gannets, great shearwaters, great skuas, scoters, common terns and arctic terns, black-legged kittiwakes, razorbills and murres.

In addition, on the coast there is a chance to find less common land birds recently arriving to Galicia, such as the snow bunting and merlin, a tiny bird of prey with fondness for open spaces. Pay attention to the dunes, beaches and clear areas along the coast. There are stretches of the Costa da Morte, such as that between Cabo Vilán and Lagoa de Traba, which never disappoint.

Certain species, although less frequent, seem to be increasing their presence this month as compared to recent years

One example is the yellow-browed warbler. This bird can be found in a variety of places, although the surroundings of the beach at Mar de Fóra, in the vicinity of Fisterra, on the Costa da Morte, is the best.

Further inland, the preferred choice for this month is to visit  countryside areas in search of fieldfare, redwing, song thrush and brambling. In the surroundings of the rivers and riparian forests the first groups of siskins can also be found.

Not to be missed
