General Information
These provisions regulate the use of mobile application Galician Tourism (hereinafter, the "App") that the Xunta de Galicia makes available to internet users.
The Xunta de Galicia is the App owner "Turismo de Galicia" and the different elements included therein.
The content provided via this App is published for information purposes only and is not a substitute for advertising the provisions and acts that must be formally published in official gazettes. Although every effort will be made to ensure that information contained within is exact and up to date, the Xunta de Galicia cannot guarantee the absence of errors in the content featured on this Portal, nor that it is completely up to date.
The Xunta de Galicia is not responsible for any damages caused by the illegitimate or improper use of the tools and information contained in the App, with the exception of any actions resulting from the application of the legal provisions to which they are subject in the strict exercise of their duties.
The Xunta de Galicia does not assume any responsibility arising from the connection or contents of links to external pages for which it has no control, and the user of this App must, in any case, abide by the specific conditions of use of such links.
The Xunta de Galicia reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained within or to its layout or presentation.
Intellectual and industrial property
The intellectual property rights of this website and its contents are owned by the General Administration and the Autonomous Galician public sector.
The information available on this App is subject to copyrights. Reusable information is available via the portal, although it can also be found on the Galician Tourism Agency portal and is subject to the same rights as the information found on the portal The information that the Galician Tourism Agency provides via the portal may be reproduced in whole or in part, amended, distributed and communicated for commercial and non-commercial use, subject to the following conditions:
- Under no circumstances may information content be denatured.
- The user must cite the source of any reused documents.
This licence does not reduce or restrict the exclusive rights of the owner of the intellectual property rights, such as the design of the App and source codes, trademarks, trade names, logos or distinctive signs, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Act or any other applicable laws.
Privacy Policy
The application requires for its operation, among other permissions listed in the Information Permissions section of the application, the access to the location of your mobile device to locate the user and show bookmarks in the area selected by him and the access to the camera to use it in the AR mode and overlay the markers on the images.
This data is in no case collected or used for any purpose other than that the discussed above.
The app uses third-party services that may collect information used to identify you. Therefore, the user must review the terms and privacy policies of the following services provided by Google:
- Firebase Analytics.
- Firebase Crashlytics.
- Google Maps API
Data Protection
The processing of personal data carried out through this Portal shall be subject to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of individuals with respect to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and other applicable regulations. The data provided by the data subject will be used, solely and exclusively, for the purposes envisaged in the procedure or action in question. Under no circumstances will the data be processed or transferred to third parties, except with the unequivocal consent of the data subject.
In compliance with the provisions of the aforementioned Regulation, the data assignor may, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as established by regulation.
The Portal users have access to all the information related to the treatment of personal data carried out by the Xunta de Galicia, including the way in which they can exercise their rights, the contact with the Data Protection Delegates and other aspects according to the terms required by the European Personal Data Protection Regulation, in the following link: Information on personal data protection (
Use of Languages
Article 13 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, guarantees the exercise of linguistic rights recognised in the legal system and, in particular, those referring to the use of Galician in the citizen's relations with the Galician Public Administration. To this end, the Portal shall provide access to its contents and services, in Galician and Spanish as a minimum.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
For any litigious matter or relating to the Portal, Spanish law shall apply, and the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Santiago de Compostela shall be competent to resolve all conflicts arising from or related to the use of this Portal.