Nautical facilities
Blue Flag
Galicia Calidade
Tourism Quality
On the Way of St. James


Street: Peirao de Porcillán

27700  Ribadeo - Lugo

43º 32' 43.9" N - 7º 02' 24.0" W
+34 982 120 428
+34 648 958 143
+34 982 131 144

The Ways of St. James

The Northern Camino


Night Approximation: Proceed in the same way, taking into account the buoy markers: On the approach from Asturias, keep the light from Tapia lighthouse to port (Gp Fl(2+1)W 19s 24m, 18M); if you do so from Galicia, position yourself with the aid of the San Cibrao lighthouse (Gp Fl(5)W 20s 41m 20M). Once opposite the Ribadeo lighthouse (Gp Fl(3+1)W 20s 28m 21M) and Punta de la Cruz (Gp Fl(4)R 11s 18m 7M), look for the first lighted leading line, at Punta Arroxo, which takes you on TC: 140º (anterior IsoR 20m 5M and 228 m an posterior, 228 m from the anterior OcR 4s). The second leading line, on the Porcillán quay, plots TC: 205º to pass between the bridge pillars. The anterior light is QR 0.6s 10m 3M and the posterior, 177.7 m from the anterior, OcR 2s 20m 3M). The 3rd and 4th pillars of Los Santos Bridge (between which you must pass) are marked: to port Gp Fl (4)R 11s 10m 4M and to starboard Gp Fl(2)G 7s 10m 4M. The entry to the Porcillán dock, where the marina is located, is marked by G Fl 5s and R Fl 5s.
Day aproximación: To enter the port, you must make your approach with Isla Pancha (where the Ribadeo lighthouse is located) at a distance of one mile, and at 186º. At that point, take the Punta Castrelius - Punta Castropol leading line (TC=170º). Once opposite Ribadeo Lighthouse - Punta de la Cruz, set a course for Punta Arroxo (TC=140º) until opposite Punta de la Cruz - García Quay (at the Yacht Club). From there, sail on a bearing of 205º until you pass between the third and fourth pillars (counting from E to W) on Los Santos Bridge, which connects the Principality of Asturias with Lugo. Once you have passed that, set a course for the breakwater that protects the Yacht Club, which also serves as the holding quay.


Maximum recommended length (m): 35
Number of permanent moorings: 620
Number of temporary moorings: 124
Crane (tons): 9
Depth at inner harbour (m): 4.6
Depth at harbour mouth (m): 5
Width of harbout mouth (m): 170
Travel lift (tons): 35

Navigation charts

Admiralty: 1108,1122
I.H.M.: 4071,932
SHOM: 6383

Services facility

Car Park
Diesel Fuel
Diving club
Electricity at berth
Engine mechanic & electrician
Harbour Master´s Offices
Hull treatments
Marpol service
Meteorological information
Night lighting
Public telephone
Radio (VHF 9)
Refilling of diving tanks
Rubbish collection
Sailing club
Showers and WC
Slipway ramp
Small vessel slipway
Super Petrol Fuel
Unleaded Petrol Fuel
Waiting quay
Water supply at berth
Activities and sports Nautical facilities Nautical-Sporting facilities. Sea