This is an area of extraordinary beauty and ecological value, which holds within it a spectacular variety of trees, shrubs, reptiles, insects and birds

The great redoubt of the Atlantic forest

The Fragas do Eume Natural Park is one of Galicia's best-known natural areas, a still-imposing display of European Atlantic forest confined to a striking area along the middle and lower course of the Eume river. In the higher areas of the park, scrub covers extensive areas that are often interspersed with pine forests.

The routes

Route by car: Goente - Pena de Eiriz and return


Between March and June


28 Km


3 hours




A Capela, As Pontes, San Sadurniño


Goente - Pena de Eiriz and return

Key points on the route:

  1. The route starts at Goente (1), where it is possible to see cirl buntings. Follow the AC-142 road to the small chapel of San Roque where, with the aid of a telescope, watchers can look from the southern foot of the As Pontes dumpsite to spot montagu's harrier and common kestrel.
  2. Once in the village of As Pontes (3) look for eurasian crag martins and white-throated dippers.
  3. While approaching the beach of As Pontes lake (4), look for a high spot to view eurasian teal, tufted duck, great crested grebe and the occasional western osprey.
  4. Turning south, take the highway and exit at Espiñaredo (5). Here, it is possible to see the red-rumped swallow, iberian chiffchaff and yellowhammer. Once in Pena de Eiriz, take a detour to the left towards the Seoane church and O Castro (6) while looking for eurasian woodcocks and tawny owls.
  5. After passing Os Miguelares, the route reaches a rocky area with scrub (7). woodlark, mistle thrush and, at times, southern grey shrike can be seen there.
  6. Take a dirt track south though the O Forgoselo pine forests (8) to Goente (9). On the way look out for woodlark, red crossbill, eurasian siskin and, in winter, water pipit.

Route by car: Cabanas - Eume power plant




18 Km


2 hours




A Capela, Cabanas, Monfero


Cabanas - Eume power plant

Key points on the route:

  1. From Cabanas (1) from the AC-141 the route reaches A Casilla, where european honey buzzard and eurasian bullfinch can be seen.
  2. In As Neves (3) (where there are yellowhammers) take the exit to the Eume power plant, passing through O Poboado and Gunxel (4). Along the way keep watch out for iberian chiffchaffs and rock buntings.
  3. After a downhill stretch in which it is possible to see owls, the route arrives at the power plant, where there are white-throated dippers.

Route on foot or by bike: Goente - Eume reservoir dam and return


Year-round, especially spring


3-4 hours on foot and 2 hours by bicycle




As Pontes, Monfero


Goente - Eume reservoir dam and return

Key points on the route:

  1. This route covers the vicinity of the Fragas do Eume Natural Park. From the top of Fontardión (1) (665 m) watchers can see birds of prey such as the black kite, short-toed snake eagle and peregrine falcon. During the autumn months, it is also possible to see migrating passerines.
  2. The Eume dam (2) has eurasian crag martins and, at night, eurasian eagle-owls can be heard.
The birds

Fragas do Eume hosts species such as the southern grey shrike, woodlark and short-toed snake eagle. In summer, it is a privileged vantage point for watching griffon vultures. The lush pine forests are areas frequented by red crossbills and eurasian nuthatch and iberian chiffchaff live in the vast forests of oak, birch, ash and alder. The eurasian eagle-owl claims as its own the rocky cliffs and the white-throated dipper and common kingfisher still survive in some parts of the Eume.

Tips and resources
  • Bring suitable footwear (waterproof hiking boots) in autumn and winter to walk along the trails.

  • Forest birds are best seen early in the morning and raptors starting at noon.

  • Only travel on trails and do not trespass on farm land.
