Way of St. James
Culture and heritage
Beaches and coast
Tourist trails
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Practical information
3 Routes 2 routes by car or by bike1 route on foot or by bike Rías de Ribadeo and Foz
5 Routes 2 routes by car 3 routes on foot and by bike Ría de Ortigueira e Cariño and Estaca de Bares
5 Routes 3 routes by car 2 routes on foot or by bike A Costa da Morte
8 Routes 2 routes by car3 routes on foot or by bike3 routes on foot O Grove and the Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia
2 Routes 2 routes on foot A Guarda and Esteiro do Miño
2 Routes 1 route by car1 route on foot or by bike A Mariña de Lugo
3 Routes 2 routes by car1 route on foot or by bike Ferrolterra
2 Routes 1 route by car1 route on foot or by bike Ría de Ares e Betanzos
3 Routes 1 route by car2 routes on foot Ría do Burgo and Costa de Dexo
3 Routes 1 route by car2 routes on foot or by bike Baldaio
2 Routes 1 route by car1 route on foot Louro and Carnota
2 Routes 1 route by car1 route on foot Ría de Muros e Noia
3 Routes 2 routes by car1 route on foot Corrubedo Natural Park
2 Routes 1 route by car1 route on foot or by bike Baixo Ulla
2 Routes 2 routes on foot or by bike Costa da Vela and Cabo Udra
3 Routes 1 route by car2 routes on foot or by bike Ría de Vigo
2 Routes 1 route by car1 route on foot or by bike Baiona and Cabo Silleiro
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