Without leaving the mountainous areas, a walk through the woods and even in the surroundings of small villages provides a setting to watch large numbers of small birds
Some of which are very interesting, such as the eurasian wryneck or common redstart in the mountains of Ourense. It is also in July and August when the swallows and house house martins begin to appear in large numbers, since the young ones born this year live at the same time with adults who are still striving to produce more broods.
However, July is a beach-going month for many people and, close to even the busiest beaches, a great variety of species can be found
It is not uncommon for sandwich terns to approach and go fishing near swimmers who normally ignore the show. On the coastal wetlands we can begin to see many birds arriving from the north and beginning to migrate south, thus anticipating a winter that will still take months to arrive. In July, for example, black-headed gulls and sardinian warblers are now settling in here again after breeding in the north. We can find also many waders, grey herons, little egrets, etc. The ideal spaces in July are the outstanding coastal wetlands such as those in O Grove, particularly the O Vao inlet, the Rías de Ribadeo and Foz, the Ría de Ortigueira, the Ría do Burgo, the Ponteceso estuary in Costa da Morte, A Ramallosa in Baiona and Cabo Silleiro and the Miño estuary in A Guarda.
It is also a good time to visit the various capes on the Galician coastline; numerous seabirds can be noticed little by little in their migratory journey south. The number and variety of species is not as striking as in the following months; nonetheless, northern gannets, sandwich terns, cory's shearwaters and balearic shearwaters can be seen, which, coming from the Mediterranean, reach the coast of Galicia to spend substantial time there. The best vantage point is Estaca de Bares, although other good places include the Punta do Castro in Mariña Lucense, the Vilán and Touriñán capes and Cabo do Roncudo, on the Costa da Morte, Cabo de Corrubedo, in the Natura Park of the same name and Cabo Silleiro.