If the cold sets in heavily in Europe, it is the ideal time to go to the large coastal wetlands.
A Guarda, the Ría de Vigo, O Grove, the Ría de Ortigueira, the wetlands of the Costa da Morte such as the Ría de Ponteceso or the small Lires estuary, the Ría do Burgo, the Lagoa de Valdoviño in Ferrolterra, the Ría de Ortigueira and the Rías de Ribadeo and Foz in Lugo provide ample opportunity for watching a good number of new species. In addition to the aforementioned gulls, there are cormorants, Anatidae, grey herons and little egrets, waders and small wintering birds such as meadow pipits.
It continues to be an exceptional month to head to the beaches and large bodies of still water
It continues to be an exceptional month to head to the beaches and large bodies of still water in search of black-necked grebes, red-breasted mergansers, great northern loons and murres. The middle section of the Ría de Ribadeo is ideal, as are the section between San Cibrao and O Portiño de Morás, in Mariña de Lugo, the Ría de Ortigueira, that of O Burgo, Baldaio beach, the coastal environment of Carnota e Louro, Corrubedo beach, A Lanzada beach, in O Grove, and the Ría de Vigo.
In the inland countryside
In the inland countryside such as that of A Limia, as well as in the regions of Lugo and Sarria and areas of A Terra Chá other species such as northern lapwings, european golden plovers, redwings and fieldfares can be seen, as can bramblings, which are only present in winter and are very scarce.
Mountain areas
Although they are scenically impressive, the mountain areas may not be the best destination at this time of year. However, a visit to the Macizo Central, Pena Trevinca e Serra do Eixe or the Serra do Xurés provides a chance to see golden eagles that, throughout the winter, perform their striking nuptial flights.