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More information available in Galician or Spanish

Natural reserves

Terras de Santiago offers amazing natural sites as the Ulla-Deza river system, and the Sites of Community Importance the River Tambre (and part of its estuary) and the Serra do Careón. Other sites with nature as their attraction are the Carballeira de Santa Minia in Brión and the Xardín Botánico in Padrón.

Festivals and gastronomy

In terms of local products with a Protected Geographical Indication or Designation of Origin, noteworthy items include Galician chestnuts, Galician turnip greens, Santiago-style cake, Tetilla cheese, Arzúa-Ulloa cheese and wine with the D.O. Rías Baixas, though they are produced in other geodestinations as well.
Besides being home to famous writers such as Rosalia de Castro and Nobel Laureate Camilo Jose Cela and its being a town of great importance in Xacobean worship and culture, Padrón is known for one of its farm products: Padrón peppers. though the Protected Designation of Origin of this product is 'Pemento de Herbón', due to the place name of the parish that is the location the Convent of Santo Antonio de Herbón, who is linked to the introduction of this pepper from America. Interestingly, not all of these peppers are hot; the spiciness actually only occurs occasionally, hence the popular saying: 'Padrón peppers: some are hot, and some are not'. 

With regard to the most important local tourism-related celebrations and events, there are Galician Tourist Events of note such as the Filloa festival in Lestedo, the Festa do Queixo in Arzúa, the Pemento de Herbón festival (in Padrón), the Trucha de Oroso festival, the Festa do Galo de Piñeiro and Mostra Cabalar in O Pino, and the only festival declared as an International Tourism Event: the Festividade del Apóstol Santiago. During Carnaval, in the municipalities of Boqueixón, Teo and Vedra, the atranques or altos of the Xenerais da Ulla are celebrated. The Xenerais da Ulla are popular characters of the Galician Carnivals along the river Ulla. Each village has their own xeneral, (general), who parades around the municipality on horseback, stopping occasionally to say the vivas, or cheers, to the people who donated money “to the cause”. But when the xenerais of two neighbouring municipalities come across each other, the atranques o altos take place, a dialectical battle in which both xenerais face off with ingenious rhymes aimed at making fun of the opponent.

