The geodestination of Ulla-Tambre-Mandeo includes the municipalities of Arzúa, Boimorto, Melide, O Pino, Santiso, Toques, Touro, and Vilasantar.

The French Way crosses the Ulla-Tambre-Madeo geodestination, passing through Melide, Arzúa and O Pino. The Primitive Way joins it in Melide after passing through Toques. In Arzúa, the Northern Way joins the previous ones (after crossing Boimorto), perhaps because nobody wants to miss the delicacy that is queixo Arzúa-Ulloa


The religious heritage of this part of Galicia includes the churches of Santa María and Sancti Spiritus in Melide, Santo Antolín en Toques, Santa María de Mezonzo in Vilasantar, and the church and mural paintings of Santa María de Boimorto. The church of San Antoniño in Toques also features mural paintings.

Thanks to the The Way of Saint James there are many heritage and historical elements linked to the route, as is the case of the lime kilns of A Castañeda in Arzúa, where they collected the small stones carried by pilgrims during the construction of the basilica of Santiago de Compostela. Arzúa also boasts the chapel of Madalena, which belonged to a 14th-century convent which attended pilgrims.
No municipio de Toques, por onde pasa o sendeiro PR-G 168, atopámonos co dolmen do Forno dos Mouros e no de Santiso, no PR-G 125, o pazo de Vilar de Ferreiros, con orixe no século XV.

Espazos naturais

In Ulla-Tambre-Mandeo we can visit the natural sites of the Ulla-Deza river system (Touro); and the Sites of Community Importance of the River Tambre (O Pino) as well as the mountain range of Serra do Careón (Melide, Santiso and Toques). Almost all of these municipalities are traversed by up to nine approved trails.

Festas e gastronomía

The Designation of Origin Arzúa-Ulloa cheese is produced in all the municipalities of this geodestination.

The Festa do Queixo de Arzúa (Cheese Festival) has been held for more than 47 years. Other festivals of tourist interest linked to gastronomy are the Festa do Galo de Piñeiro e Mostra Cabalar do Pino and the Festa do Melindre e da Repostería Tradicional da Terra en Melide a festival celebrating the melindre, a traditional sweet Galician treat, and other traditional confectionaries, which is held in Melide. During the Carnival, the colourful atranques of the Xenerais da Ulla are held in the municipality of Touro, The Xenerais da Ulla are popular characters of the Galician Carnivals along the river Ulla. Each village has their own xeneral, (general), who parades around the municipality on horseback, stopping occasionally to say the vivas, or cheers, to the people who donated money “to the cause”. But when the xenerais of two neighbouring municipalities come across each other, the atranques o altos take place, a dialectical battle in which both xenerais face off with ingenious rhymes aimed at making fun of the opponent.