The geodestination Terras da Comarca de Ordes encompasses the municipalities of Cerceda, Frades, Mesía, Ordes, Oroso, Tordoia and Trazo.
Terras da Comarca de Ordes
are traversed by the English Way in the municipalities of Ordes and Oroso, and by the river Tambre in the municipalities of Mesía, Frades, Oroso, Ordes, Trazo and Tordoia.


An example of some of the most outstanding artistic and monumental heritage sites of this part of Galicia are its megalithic constructions: O Dolmen dos Cabaleiros (in Tordoia), also known as Casa da Moura, is a Historic-Artistic Monument and a magnificent example of Neolithic funerary architecture in the northwest of the peninsula.  


On the English Way, Bruma hostel will welcome you in a place called Hospital. There is evidence that in the 12th century there was a pilgrims' hospital there, sadly nothing remains of it.  

Espazos naturais

Terras da Comarca de Ordes is home to natural sites such as the Lugares de Importancia Comunitaria do Río Tambre (Sites of Community Importance of the River Tambre). The PR-G 117 Ruta da Fraga dos Muíños passes through the municipalities of Mesía and Ordes, and is of ethnographic interest.


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