2 days trip in a Costa da Morte

Experience one of the most spectacular Galician geographical areas with this 2 days trip. Locations and culture of the Galician fishing villages await you.
Travel insurance

Departure from Santiago at 09:00 am.

From the viewpoint located near San Adrián chapel you’ll have a fantastic panoramic view over Sisargas islands, the Seaia beach, the rough cliffs and Malpica.

This fishing village will allow you to experience the day-to-day of its residents in its streets near by the sea.

Next destination will be O Roncudo lighthouse and its cliffs where the best barnacles in the world are caught. Many seafarers have lost their lives in these cliffs while fishing the already said delicacy.

You’ll continue toward an ancient inhabited city between first century B.C and 6th century. The fortified settlement of Borneiro and located in the city council of Cabana is one of the best preserved in Galicia.

After understanding how lives our ancestors you’ll go on towards Laxe. A white sand beach is part of the town and besides a promenade that will allow you to enjoy the seaside atmosphere. The landscape and village have starred in several motion pictures and television series.

Next you’ll arrive to Camariñas, a town renowned for its lace making. You’ll visit the lace museum and see directly how work the “palilleiras”, women making lace.

Visit Vilán cape, one of the most dangerous and impressive places in a Costa da Morte where’s located the oldest electric lighthouse of Spain. The views from this point will blow your mind.

Now it’s time to rest, you’ll arrive at the hotel located in Muxía to relax and enjoy a seafood dinner and a good night of sleep.


You’ll visit the baroque shrine of Nosa Señora da Barca, a place full of legends and very ancient as its first construction dates from the 11th century. Taking a stroll around the sanctuary you’ll come across a Pedra de Abalar, a huge oscillating stone hold on only two points that can be moved back and forth as a sledge. You’ll be impressed with the beauty of this place and the force of the sea crashing over the rocks.

Then you’ll go to Fisterra. Once there you’ll see the lighthouse, cape Finisterre and the cross of the end of the way that pilgrims travelling to Santiago dream to reach as it’s considered the end of the world and the best place to conclude their trip.

You’ll appreciate river Xallas estuary and its impressive Ézaro waterfall, the only river in South Europe flowing into the sea in a waterfall.

Take a walk around this town where you’ll find one of the biggest raised granary in Galicia with a length of 34,76 meters and 1,90 meters wide. You’ll continue till Areal beach considered as the longest beach in Galicia with a length of 7 kms. It has a swamp and dunes area and provides shelter to a wide variety of migratory birds.

Last stop in a Costa da Morte, you’ll explore Muros town, one of the best-preserved villages of medieval origin in Galicia. A truly historical and seafaring ensemble you’ll discover walking through its old quarter and cobblestone streets with colonnades facing the sea.

Return to Santiago about 7 pm.
End of the trip

Services included

Breakfasts and dinners
Transfers from and to Santiago
Museum tickets
Touristic guide