Bed and breakfast in Galicia

Find accommodation that suits your needs in Galicia: Hotels, Spas, «Paradores», Bed and breakfast, Tourist lodges, Apartments, Self catering, Campings, Resort town, Rural Tourism, etc.
  • Text
      • Q certified
      • Galicia Calidade
    • Degree of Accessibility
    • The Ways of St. James
    By location
    • Province
    • Municipality
      • Municipalities in A Coruña
      • Municipalities in Lugo
      • Municipalities in Ourense
      • Municipalities in Pontevedra
    • Tourist space
    By area of interest
  • Where to stay...
    • Hotels
      • Category
      • Kinds of services
    • Bed and breakfast
      • Category
      • Kinds of services
    • Lodges
      • Tipos
      • Kinds of services
      • Category
    • Apartments
      • Category
      • Kinds of services
    • Self catering
    • Campsites
      • Category
      • Specialty
      • Kinds of services
    • Rural tourism
      • Further features
      • Meals
      • Bedrooms
      • Rental
      • Kinds of services
      • Category
  • Where to eat...
  • What to visit...
  • What to do...
    • Health and wellness tourism
    • Hiking
      • Duration
      • Difficulty
      • Longitude
      • Kind of route
      • Interest
    • Walks
      • Type
    • Shopping
      • Craft workshops
        • Workshop activity
      • Trade fairs and markets
      • Shopping centers
      • Trade
        • Tipos
    • Activities and sports
      • Adventure or nature activity companies
      • Sports activity companies
      • Golf
        • Kinds of services
      • Nautical facilities
        • Tipos
        • Further information
        • Services facility
      • MTB Centres
    • Festivities
      • Tourist Interest
        • Tipos
        • Further features
        • Celebration period
  • Where to get information...
  • Tourist services...
  • Transport...
Per page
We show a total of 139 resources found
Bed and breakfast - One-star AREA DE SERVICIO 507
AUTOVIA A6, nº SAIDA 507 27150 Outeiro de Rei - Lugo
Bed and breakfast - Two-star ARENAS PALAS
Avenida Compostela, nº 16 27200 Palas de Rei - Lugo
Bed and breakfast - One-star ARXIZ
Avenida de Lugo, nº 133 27560 Monterroso - Lugo
+34 982 377 301
Bed and breakfast - One-star AS RODAS
Lugar A Valiña-Oural, nº 7 27618 Sarria - Lugo
Bed and breakfast - Two-star BAIXO A LUA ROOMING
Rúa Peregrino, nº 37 27600 Sarria - Lugo
Bed and breakfast - Two-star BAIXO A LUA ROOMING 2
Rúa Jose Sánchez Arias, nº 2-4 27600 Sarria - Lugo
Bed and breakfast - Two-star BUENOS AIRES
Praza Mártires de Carral, nº 17 27002 Lugo - Lugo
+34 982 225 468
Bed and breakfast - Three-star CASA BARAN
Maior, nº 53 27600 Sarria - Lugo
+34 982 876 487
Bed and breakfast - One-star CASA BENIGNO
Rúa Ramón y Cajal , nº 13-15 27220 Friol - Lugo
+34 982 375 028