Activities and sports in Galicia

Customise your route with the options you will find in Galicia Tourism. Enjoy your leisure time doing sports tourism, active tourism, nautical tourism, fishing, golf, trekking, tourist routes, handicraft. Don't miss: A Coruña e As Mariñas, Ferrolterra, Ría de Vigo e Baixo Miño, Ría e Terras de Pontevedra, Ría de Arousa, Ría de Muros e Noia, Deza - Tabeirós, Rías baixas, Manzaneda – Trevinca, Verín – Viana, Celanova – Limia,Terras de Ourense e Allariz, O Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra, Ancares – Courel, Lugo e a Terra Chá, Mariña lucense, Terras de Santiago, Costa da morte, Rías altas. Find out about the village crafts, their fairs, festivities and markets
  • Text
      • Q certified
      • Galicia Calidade
    • Degree of Accessibility
    • The Ways of St. James
    By location
    • Province
    • Municipality
      • Municipalities in A Coruña
      • Municipalities in Lugo
      • Municipalities in Ourense
      • Municipalities in Pontevedra
    • Tourist space
    By area of interest
  • Where to stay...
    • Hotels
      • Category
      • Kinds of services
    • Bed and breakfast
      • Category
      • Kinds of services
    • Lodges
      • Tipos
      • Kinds of services
      • Category
    • Apartments
      • Category
      • Kinds of services
    • Self catering
    • Campsites
      • Category
      • Specialty
      • Kinds of services
    • Rural tourism
      • Further features
      • Meals
      • Bedrooms
      • Rental
      • Kinds of services
      • Category
  • Where to eat...
  • What to visit...
  • What to do...
    • Health and wellness tourism
    • Hiking
      • Duration
      • Difficulty
      • Longitude
      • Kind of route
      • Interest
    • Walks
      • Type
    • Shopping
      • Craft workshops
        • Workshop activity
      • Trade fairs and markets
      • Shopping centers
      • Trade
        • Tipos
    • Activities and sports
      • Adventure or nature activity companies
      • Sports activity companies
      • Golf
        • Kinds of services
      • Nautical facilities
        • Tipos
        • Further information
        • Services facility
      • MTB Centres
    • Festivities
      • Tourist Interest
        • Tipos
        • Further features
        • Celebration period
  • Where to get information...
  • Tourist services...
  • Transport...
Per page
We show a total of 647 resources found
Adventure or nature activity companies TURISMO PANTÓN
Calexón Saragude, nº 4 27437 Pantón - Lugo
Sports activity companies TURNATIVA, S.L.
PARQUE VAL, 11 0 Agolada - Pontevedra
Adventure or nature activity companies TURNAUGA, S.L.
Santiago de Chile, 13 local 21 15706 Santiago de Compostela - A Coruña
+34 981 597 166
Sports activity companies TX MOTOR, S.L.
36640 Pontecesures - Pontevedra
+34 986 557 094
Sports activity companies UBUNTU LIFE
PEIRAO NOVO - CLUB NÁUTICO CAMARIÑAS, nº S/N 15123 Camariñas - A Coruña
Sports activity companies UTE PARQUE DE AVENTURAS DE LAZA
Laza - Ourense
Adventure or nature activity companies VAGUADAVENTURA
nº 50 36437 Arbo - Pontevedra
+34 981 706 087
Sports activity companies VELACHO, S.L.
San Paio de Abaixo, 70 36209 Redondela - Pontevedra
+34 986 811 802
Sports activity companies VERDEAZUL
Avda. Portugal, nº 22 36700 Tui - Pontevedra
+34 986 603 287
+34 986 603 287
Sports activity companies VERTIGO AVENTURA S.C.
LUGAR CAMPO DO SINO-BOA, 1 15218 Noia - A Coruña