Recreation areas and viewpoints
On the Way of St. James


Vigo - Pontevedra

42º 10' 11.8" N - 8º 44' 08.5" W


The city of Vigo is surrounded by a green belt of mountains. The height and location of many of these makes them excellent natural lookout points.

Monte Cepudo is one of these and has, together with Monte Alba, the best views of the estuary. It also contains an extensive recreation area with a wide range of facilities, of which the main attraction is the viewing platform with its lovely vistas.

At an altitude of 527 metres, the views from Cepudo take in the majesty of the Vigo estuary, with the island of Toralla in the foreground, the Cíes islands in the middle distance and sweeping views of the coastline of the Rías Baixas to the north west. In the other direction, the coastline towards Nigrán and Baiona merges with the neighbouring mountains of Coruxo and Saiáns.

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route by coast