Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 05/02 - 17/02


Marín - Pontevedra

42º 23' 35.8" N - 8º 42' 09.1" W


There is documentation that shows that O Enterro da Sardiña de Marín was already being celebrated in the 19th century. (La Voz de Galicia, 1882). 

Although it was forbidden from 1936 until its revival in 1976, it has been celebrated uninterruptedly until today, on Ash Wednesday every year, and organised by the Ateneo Santa Cecilia de Marín.

This celebration contains original aspects that make it different from other "Entierros" in Galicia or in the rest of Spain. An example would be the Ladaíña that is read in the praza do Reloxo by the assistant and the Bishop, which dates from 1893, and the music played by the band along the route is from 1903. It ends with the Asolagamento da Sardiña, with the Bishop throwing it into the sea in the port of Marín.

The cultural and also traditional character of our Entroido is valued by recovering ancestral traditions, such as the wake and the figures of the choronas... 

This popular festival is open to as many adults and children as they wish, with no restrictions whatsoever.

The aim is that the staging of the celebration, the setting, the recreation, and the infrastructure where the most important events are held (Velorio, Sermón y lectura da Ladaíña, Asolagamento da Sardiña, etc.), as well as other atrezzo, such as the uniforms of the participants, banners (work of the Marinese painter Manuel Torres) of the different brotherhoods of the procession, respect the tradition as much as possible. 

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest