Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 06/09 - 09/09


Parish: Darbo (Santa María)

Cangas - Pontevedra

42º 15' 46.0" N - 8º 48' 06.9" W


The Traditional Dances in Cangas include the San Cibrán de Aldán and San Roque do Hío Dances and the Darbo Dance and Contradance. These three are especially unique amongst the many dances in Morraza county.
The “Darbo Dance and Contradance” is the third traditional dance that lives on in Cangas. It dates back to at least the 16th century and is performed in front of the parish church. The dancers form three lines, one for “ladies” and two for “gents”. Each line has its own “contraguide”, while the “lead guide” is distinguished by a large plume of colours. Women wear beautiful dresses and resplendent hats full of flowers, while the men wear peculiar attire, such as flamboyant earrings made in olden designs. This may be proof of the extraordinary longevity of this centuries-old dance. The dance was performed to give thanks to the Virgin Mary for the favours the locals had been granted during the year.
This dance is considered one of the oldest aspects of Galicia that has been kept alive and passed down for centuries.

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Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest