Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 27/03 - 31/03


Camariñas - A Coruña

43º 07' 59.1" N - 9º 10' 57.8" W


The image of the unlikely hand dance of the lace-makers of Camariñas has become one of the icons of Galicia. Since 1991, this town in A Coruña has hosted the “Mostra do Encaixe de Palillos” during Holy Week, a proposal halfway between an anthropological exhibition and a modern trade fair. While the associations and some palilleras in particular, both from Galicia and abroad, show their work in the exhibition area, large fashion firms and new designers participate in the Mostra by developing a schedule of fashion parades in the style of major international events.
The festival lasts for five days, and each daily morning and afternoon session begins with demonstrations of the work of the palilleras by the municipal schools of Camariñas, Camelle, Xaviña, and Ponte do Porto. This is the opportunity to learn about this peculiar way of weaving, which consists of intertwining threads on a pillow and a pattern.
The rest of the program is completed with parades, both by renowned and new designers. There is also a contest for new designers. In recent editions, the exhibition has been opened to other artisan manifestations, such as Buño potters, silverware, linen or blown glass, so the exhibition space has the added interest of representing a journey through the different traditional crafts from Galicia.

Not to be missed:
The parades of wedding dresses made with bobbin lace.
Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest