Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 09/07 - 09/07


Parish: Carnés (San Cristovo)

Place: Carnés

Vimianzo - A Coruña

43º 06' 50.9" N - 9º 06' 43.9" W


It is in the parish of Carnés, in Vimianzo, where this festival with four centuries of history is celebrated every July 9, the eve of San Cristóbal. Its origin was a banquet for members of the Brotherhood of San Cristovo, created in 1608, which, over time, became a meal for the poor and since 1981, when it resumed without interruption, became a gastronomic festival dedicated to tripe.
As is common in the towns of the Costa da Morte area, everything in this festival is wrapped in religious fervour and is full of ancient rituals and deep-rooted customs that the local people like to narrate, such as the ritual of virar a tella (turning the tile) so that it wouldn’t rain on the day of the festival or the auction of the offerings of the parishioners to the saint, which takes place on the day of San Cristóbal in the church atrium.
The visitor will be struck by the very history of the stone enclosure, where around 3,000 people sample the tasty tripe prepared by the festival committee from the early hours of the morning, with San Cristóbal depicted on a platform presiding over the meal, and the people approaching him to pray or ask him for favours. The venue is called “A Cerca”, and it was built in the 19th century to be dedicated exclusively to traditional food. This is the reason why A Cerca, which is located in an area considered sacred and linked to the parish fort and Mount Croado, remains closed for the rest of the year.
Bagpipe and charangas music accompany the food and, at night, the festivities continue with an open-air dance. Various festivities take place the following day, the day of San Cristóbal, as well as on July 11, the day of San Benito, when, curiously, the procession of the patron saint San Cristóbal takes place.

Auction of the offerings of the parishioners to San Cristóbal, in the parish church atrium.

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest