On the Way of St. James


Street: Trinidade

15705  Santiago de Compostela - A Coruña

42º 52' 50.9" N - 8º 32' 47.9" W


The Chapel of Las Angustias (now Parish Church of San Fructuoso) was the work of Lucas Antonio Ferro Caaveiro and was built between 1754 and 1765. The retable and some minor work continued up until 1771. The building stands on a central ground plan (Greek cross laid out in a rectangle) and is dominated by the large dome traversed by sunken bands, between which there are windows with lunettes. The drum is richly decorated, combining highlighted plaques with plant motifs, achieving considerable chiaroscuro effects. On the spandrels of the main arches, there is vegetation decoration that is suggestive of rocaille. The rest of the church ceiling shows barrel vaults with lunettes. The central section of the facade, broader and higher, centres the decoration. The door is surrounded by substantial moulding with wings, and a broad volute projects from the lower part. Above this, there is a niche with the image of Our Lady of Las Angustias, by Gambino. Flanked by two columns supporting an entablature with plaques, and an interrupted cornice, with a curved, split pediment. Above, a window with beading forming wings and the arms of Spain. On the attic floor, on both sides of the bell gable with large plaques, volutes and pinnacles, there is a balustrade with some pedestals, with a half cylinder, with the four cardinal virtues portrayed.


Town area. Old quarter.

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route
Portiguese Route by coast
The English Camino
The Fistera-Muxía Camino
The French Camino
The Northern Camino
The Primitive Camino
The Route of the Sea of Arousa and River Ulla
The Winter Camino
Vía de la Plata