Recreation areas and viewpoints


Parish: Maceira (San Salvador)

Place: Portoparada

36873  Covelo - Pontevedra

42º 18' 08.7" N - 8º 16' 06.0" W


At 1,151 metres, the Faro de Avión is the highest point in the province of Pontevedra. It is located on the border with the province of Ourense, in the southern part of the Dorsal Gallega, a group of ranges running from north to south through central Galicia.

Extensive views of the Tea valley can be enjoyed from the lookout point. Many rivers flow down from these hills, of which the Deva and the Tea are the most important. There are also fine views of the O Suído range, the natural continuation of the O Faro de Avión range and a habitat for many species of fauna.
The plant life varies widely according to altitude, with meadows and agricultural land in the valleys, forests and copses on the hillsides and rocky scrubland on the mountaintops. 