Recreation areas and viewpoints


Parish: Taboexa (Santa María)

Place: Sandomedio

As Neves - Pontevedra

42º 08' 05.1" N - 8º 24' 47.3" W


The mount and hermitage of San Nomedio are located at an altitude of 694 metres atop a steep hillside, part of the A Paradanta range, a small system of medium-sized mountains in the province of Pontevedra.

Thanks to its height, it has spectacular views of the valleys of the Termes and Xuliana rivers, and the Miño in the distance, including much of the area of the municipality of As Neves and even part of northern Portugal.

The hermitage is a simple, modest construction, with a single nave. The feast of San Nomedio is celebrated with a romería (pilgrimage) to the hermitage during which the faithful pray for a good harvest.

Many legends are told about this place, and it is even speculated that it could be site of the mythical Monte Medulio, where the Gallaeci tribes lost their final battle against the Roman empire, the last soldiers killing themselves with the cry “Denantes mortos que escravos” (Better dead than slaves).