Recreation areas and viewpoints


Antas de Ulla - Lugo

42º 45' 13.1" N - 7º 57' 05.6" W


The 952-metre high Cima do Farelo overlooks the route from Agolada to Antas de Ulla, and was historically used to monitor movements between the counties of Deza (Pontevedra) and A Ulloa (Lugo).

In the shadow of the more imposing and better known O Faro range, O Farelo is a medium-height range with views over the splendid rural landscape of central Galicia, with farms interspersed by leafy forests and rivers and rivulets.

O Farelo is special in that it offers a 360o view of all four of Galicia’s provinces. The nearby O Careón mountains lie to the north (Melide), and on a clear day even the O Xistral range is visible. The Ancares mountains in Lugo province can be seen in the distance to the east. The neighbouring O Faro range is to the south and in the west lie the O Candán mountains in the county of Deza. 