Recreation areas and viewpoints
On the Way of St. James


Parish: San Simón da Costa (San Simón)

Vilalba - Lugo

43º 23' 26.8" N - 7º 34' 29.8" W


At 935 metres, Monseivane, or Coto de Monseivane, is the highest peak of the A Carba range, close to the O Xistral range with which it forms the main mountain system in northern Galicia.
Part of A Terra Chá, the most extensive lowland area in Galicia, the hills bordering the county provide the best views of the low-lying areas characterised by well-kept farms, scattered small hamlets and hedges. Livestock can often been found grazing freely around the pastures, scrublands and pine groves of Monseivane.

The Ways of St. James

The Northern Camino