On the Way of St. James


Parish: Vilar de Ortelle (Santiago)

Pantón - Lugo

42º 31' 02.1" N - 7º 42' 45.6" W


The easiest way to get to this waterfall is to follow the road that goes from Ferreira de Pantón to Escairón. Continue for 4km then take the turn-off for Mariña, Marce, and Guítara, and, at Km 9.5, follow the sign for Marce until you reach a small parking area, with room for just two or three cars, where you can park up to walk to the waterfall.

The first kilometre follows a wide track, paved in some stretches, through a forest of oak trees and between the terraces of abandoned vineyards. After 1.2km you come to an old winery, and a little further on is the signpost to the waterfall and you start to descend along a narrow path that links up with a steeply sloping section that is crossed by a mighty stairway that seems to swallow you into the depths of the earth.

Once at the waterfall which drops some 40 metres, you can explore a viewpoint with views of the waterfall in all its glory. 

The Ways of St. James

The Winter Camino
Initial pickup date: 01/06/2021