Tourist Interest
On the Way of St. James
Dates of celebration: 02/04 - 24/04


Parish: Padrón (Santiago)

Place: Padrón

Padrón - A Coruña

42º 44' 18.0" N - 8º 39' 39.8" W


Easter in Padrón is a secular celebration with more than 400 years of documented antiquity (the origins go back, at least, to the beginning of the 17th century), which combines the religious component of Spain’s Holy Week, which itself is deeply rooted in the population, and a high cultural value, derived from the multiple activities that take place in parallel, whether commercial, cultural, sporting, gastronomic..., which were added to continue strengthening Easter as a focus of economic and sociocultural revitalisation. 
This festival arises from the coincidence of a Sunday market and one of the most important horse and cattle fairs in Galicia with the celebration of Easter Sunday, within the liturgical acts of Spain's Holy Week.

In recent decades, the activities of A Festa da Pascua de Padrón, Padrón's Easter Festival, have been extended over time to cover, in practice, a period of three weeks, always coinciding with the beginning of spring. This wide range of dates, together with the diversity of the activities programmed around Easter - religious, cultural, musical, sporting, commercial, and social, are values that reinforce Padrón's Easter as one of the main traditional pilgrimages in Galicia.

The Feira Cabalar, the Horse Fair, held on Easter Sunday in O Campo da Barca. 

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route
The Route of the Sea of Arousa and River Ulla

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest