

Carballo - A Coruña

43º 11' 49.3" N - 8º 40' 42.0" W
43º 07' 23.7" N - 8º 40' 56.8" W


The geological fault that forms the Meridiana depression, one of the most significant geographical features in Galicia, extending from north to south, divides the parishes of Rus and Entrecruces into two parts: the so-called “High” and “Low” areas.
Leaving A Brea, after crossing through the village of Carracedo, the trail diverts to visit the Chapel of Nosa Señora dos Remedios in Vivente. This natural phenomenon led to the emergence of two waterfalls known as “férvedas”, which give this route its name.
In the vicinity of A Pena there are two options: we can take the route that goes round Mount Peniqueira and joins the main route again near Betrís, or keep going towards the Coto do Castro to see the archaeological remains of the defensive wall of this Galician- Roman settlement.
We then come down towards Rus waterfall, also known as Ramil, along a diversion that hardly leaves the main route.
After crossing the Rego da Férveda, there is a sign indicating the presence of the Baroque church of Santa María de Rus. The path continues through a lush wood to the church of San Xens de Entrecruces.
From here a steep ascent begins until we come to the diversion to Entrecruces waterfall, where the River Outón flows down a 50 metre slope and we can see the remains of a small hydroelectric plant that supplied Carballo early in the 19th century.
Back on the main route, a few metres further on is the end of the route at the Chapel of San Paio, a Gothic construction.


Carballo is the capital of the region of Bergantiños in the province of A Coruña. On the AC-1914 linking Carballo and Santiago de Compostela, very near the centre, you will find a sign indicating the way to A Brea.


24,1 km. The main route is 18.6 km., the diversions 5.5 km. and the optional extra 3.5 km..

Point of Departure / Arrival

Point of arrival: Chapel of San Paio - UTM:29T X:525950 Y:4774764
Starting point: A Brea - UTM:29T X:526259 Y:4782960


A Brea, Carracedo, Chapel of Nosa Señora dos Remedios, A Pena, Coto do Castro, Rus waterfall, A Redonda, Church of San Xens de Entrecruces, Entrecruces waterfall, Chapel of San Paio.


Medium - High


8 hours.


Off the route, in Entrecruces.


Effort M.I.D.E.:
Itinerary M.I.D.E.:
Displacement M.I.D.E.:
Enviroment M.I.D.E.:

Bicycle access

Totally suitable

Horse access

Totally suitable

cartography I.G.N. (1:25:000)

44-IV Laracha y 69-II A Silva.

Further information

Concello de Carballo
Tel: 981 704 100

Federación Galega de Montañismo
Tel.: 986 208 758 / Fax: 986 207 407

Kind of route

Small travel


Natural interest
Scenic interest


Initial pickup date: 01/08/2019