Natural spaces


Folgoso do Courel - Lugo

42º 36' 45.0" N - 7º 06' 14.0" W


Devesas are Atlantic-type north-facing forests. Nowadays there are few left in the O Courel mountain range and those that remain are always on very steep, humid mountain sides.
A Devesa da Rogueira is the ecological jewel of the mountain range, with 3 square kilometres of primary forest and an incredible diversity of trees. The fauna is in no way inferior to the flora. The streams that flow down forming cascades contain species which are native to the north of the Peninsula , such as the Iberian newt or the Iberian frog. The devesa protects roedeer, pine martens, weasels, polecats, martens, mountain cats and dormice.
One of the great attractions of the natural spot of O Courel is the trekking route found there. The starting point is the small nature hall of Moreda where there is a permanent exhibition that aims to give information on the routes and paths one can follow in the area and to make people aware of the ecological values of the mountain range and the people's customs. The first part of the route is quite easy and flat. There are many panels along the way which show the biology of the devesa.
From here the ascent becomes increasingly more complicated. On the lower part we find Mediterranean vegetation with numerous aromatic plants. The flora takes on Atlantic character and hazelnut trees, oaks and bilberries appear. The centre of this spot is an extremely rich, closed, shady wood, where we can find ashes, beeches, yews, holly trees, rowans and birches. The most interesting fauna in O Courel also takes refuge here. In this area we can find the "Cova do Vello", with subterranean water, and the O Oso caverns, which are considered to have been living quarters in prehistoric times. The Romans excavated inside to extract gold, and foundries multiplied during the Middle Ages. The mining of lead, copper, iron and antimony also had its time, but today only slate is worked.
In the upper part of the devesa there is a spring with two jets. Clean water comes out of one and reddish water comes out of the other due to its high iron content.
This natural spot is situated in an area of glacial terraces. In its surroundings there are many rivers and some small glacial pools like Lucenza.
Nature Natural spaces Natural site of tourist interest