

Parish: Esperante (San Pedro)

Place: Romeor

27324  Folgoso do Courel - Lugo

42º 38' 25.0" N - 7º 05' 40.9" W


The village of Romeor , ten kilometres from Seoane, in a place of incalculable natural beauty, stands out for having some round cornered constructions, more typical of O Cebreiro.
In this area we can visit an aqueduct. As explained on a sign in front of this construction, the Romans called the land of O Caurel, "Land of gold". This is due to the fact that they found gold mines in this mountain range that were very important for the Roman Empire. To carry the water to the gold mines, which worked under Millares and on the side of the Mostad (Turubio), a complex hydraulic system was put into operation of which a canal called “la Antigua” forms part. This aqueduct began collecting water in the Devesa de San Pedro, continuing to capture water to carry it to the Mostad side. The work was done using the local population, those condemned to mines, slaves and prisoners of war, under the supervision of military emplacements. The "Procuratores Metallorum" were in charge of governing the mining districts. Open cast demolitions were performed, alternatively using fire and water until cracking the rock.
In the village of O Caurel we can also visit a mill and an oven which are still in use.
Romeor is surrounded by a dense forest which climbs up the north sides of Cabeza do Couto and Cabeza Grande. This devesa is three times smaller than that of A Rogueira and less mature, but it maintains a similar biological richness, with birches on the high areas, oaks, maples, yews and even beeches. The best part are its oakwoods.
If we look at the vegetation we can see that it is a south-facing area, as there is plenty of oregano, "amorodos" (strawberries), "milfollas" (yarrow), "tomentelo" (thyme) or "pelosiñas" (pellitory of the wall). The walnut and cherry trees are a reminder of the ancient presence of man in this village. In this area, of incredible geological beauty, there are remains of glacial moraines.