On the Way of St. James


Praza Luis de Góngora y Argote

27400  Monforte de Lemos - Lugo

42º 31' 25.9" N - 7º 30' 38.0" W


The building we can visit today dates back to the 16th century, although from long before, probably from the 10th century, it had lodged a community of Benedictine monks. It is of Neoclassical design, with rather austere decoration, and has three floors. It was built using ashlar stone. The main entrance on its façade is particularly outstanding, framed by Doric columns that support a row of balconies. The upper part boasts a pediment with pinnacles and a vaulted niche containing the image of Saint Benedict.
The cloister contains two features of great value, an urn and a stone bas-relief, both of which date back prior to the construction of the current building.
Another interesting feature is the layout of the monastery floor, which has a series of slopes and conduits that served to channel the rainwater to a tank located under the flooring.
Attached to the left wing there is a church of Latin Cross design. The façade is Renaissance, whilst the style on the inside corresponds to transitional Gothic. There are several elements of particular interest. The first we will mention is the stone sepulchre of the Abbot Diego García, situated next to the main entrance. It is said that the Abbot's death was ordered by the Counts of Lemos, lords of these lands. Those who witnessed the opening of the sarcophagus testified that it contained several bones and that a mark that looked like a burn could be seen on the skull. Next, there is the valuable image of the Virgin of Montserrat, patron saint of Monforte, placed above a Churrigueresque style altar. In the Baroque-style main altar, the altarpiece, the columns and the arch, as well as the oil painting representing the martyrdom of Saint Vicente, are worthy of attention. Another point of interest in this church is the vault beneath the choir stalls.

The Ways of St. James

The Winter Camino



Religious order

Today no religious order