mailto:?subject=Content from Tourism of Galicia: PR-G 93 RUTA RIBEIRA DO ULLA&body=I recommend you read the information PR-G 93 RUTA RIBEIRA DO ULLA extracted from the Tourism of Galicia site on page
Touro - A Coruña
For centuries chestnuts were one Galicia’s staple foods, until they were substituted by corn and potatoes brought from America.
Their growth spread throughout the territory and it is still possible to find giant chestnut trees growing in the interior of Galicia. It is a very nutritious food, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and has a pleasant taste.
Currently in Galicia chestnuts are still worshipped during the popular Magosto festivity, where chestnuts, fire and new wine are brought together.
But this Galician fruit is also prized in other countries as delicacies and it is exported to countries such as France, Switzerland and even Japan.
Concello de Touro
Tel. 981 504 000
Federación Galega de Montañismo.
Tel.: 986 208 758 / Fax: 986 207 407
Segatur (Sendeiros de Galicia para o Turismo Rural S.L.)
Tel. 654 165 730 / 886 117 011
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