Tourist Interest
On the Way of St. James
Dates of celebration: 25/05 - 02/06


Allariz - Ourense

42º 11' 22.0" N - 7º 48' 01.0" W


Despite its long history, the Festa do Boi has also had its pauses. The last one took place in the 50s. It lasted until 1983 when a group of young people from Allariz decided to bring back a forgotten festival that has its roots in the 14th century, a time when Allariz was inhabited by Jewish settlers who, despite the hostility of the Christians, left such a profound mark on the town. According to the records, in 1317 a deeply religious nobleman from Allariz named Xan de Arzúa wanted to put an end to the Jews’ mockery and insults of the Corpus Christi procession, which was in retaliation to the constant persecution by the Christians. So, he led the procession on the back of an ox, loaded with sacks of ants that he threw at the Jews.
The nobleman left money in his will that was enough for an ox to walk through the streets every year. And that is how it is done today. The main event of the Festa do Boi, which lasts ten days, is the carreiras do boi (the ox races) - several each day - through the streets of Allariz. The doors of the houses are left open to shelter the people, and the ox - which several members of the clubs, dressed in white shirts and red handkerchiefs, lead with a long rope - makes its journey through the town, stopping wherever it wants and charging at the large crowd that walks alongside it chanting "aí vén o boi, aí vén o boi" (“here comes the ox”). 
Xan de Arzúa, who appears before the Corpus Christi procession, in the form of a straw doll on a carriage pulled by a cow, also turns up at the festival. Surrounded by guild dancers, the ox is taken through the streets of the town to the Campo da Barreira, where a crowd of people dressed in medieval costumes enjoy a meal. 

Highlight: Carreiras do boi (ox races) through the streets of Allariz.

The Ways of St. James

Vía de la Plata

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Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest