Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 13/08 - 16/08


Parish: Laxe (Santa María)

Place: Laxe

Laxe - A Coruña

43º 13' 22.4" N - 9º 00' 16.2" W


The Shipwreck is a tribute that the people of the sea of Laxe pay to the Virgen of Carmen for her protection throughout the year in the different tasks they carry out at sea, preventing any tragedy from occurring, so common sometimes among sailors. The shipwreck was established in 1962 by a sailor from Laxe, Avelino Lema Santos, who survived three shipwrecks. Since then it has been held uninterrupted until today.

On August 17, the fair of Carmel will be celebrated in Laxe. At noon, the solemn mass is celebrated in honor of the Virgin of Carmel, the patron saint of sailors. At the end of the mass, the procession goes through the streets of the town until it reaches the port. Once the Virgin reaches the port, the representation of the shipwreck begins. Several sailors leave in a barge from the northern part of the port, simulating the trip they take when they come from fishing. Halfway through the trip, the barge sinks after a flare is launched. The shipwrecked sailors begin to swim to the shore where the Virgin of Carmel is waiting for them at the foot of the sea. Once they reach land, they walk on their knees until they reach the image of the Virgin and kiss her feet as a sign of gratitude. The last four shipwrecked sailors, before swimming towards the shore, realize that their companion is dead and decide to go look for him. With the help of these four sailors, they manage to bring him to land where the Virgin of Carmel awaits them. The dead shipwrecked sailor is placed at the feet of the Virgin who will work the miracle of resuscitating him. In memory of all the shipwrecked sailors of Laxe and any other place in the world, they sing the "Salve Marinera" to thank the Virgin for her continued protection. Then, the decked-out boats march in a parade along the estuary following the boat that has the honor of carrying the image of the Virgin of Carmel that year.

During the maritime procession, flowers are thrown into the sea to remember and honor all the sailors who died at sea. At the end of the maritime parade, the sailors who participated in the shipwreck carry barefoot on their shoulders the image of the Virgin of Carmel back to the church.

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Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest