Tourist Interest
Dates of celebration: 20/09 - 24/09


Rairiz de Veiga - Ourense

42º 04' 13.0" N - 7º 49' 38.9" W


In A Lima, which is said to be crossed by the mythical River of Oblivion, in the heart of Ourense province, the traditions and spirit of rural Galicia live on. Mountain landscapes, guarded by watchtowers fought over by monasteries and the Counts of Monterrie and Moctezuma. Legend also holds that it was the birthplace of the beautiful, unsuccessful, loving wife of Pedro the Cruel, Inés de Castro, who would be queen after her death. This is where on the morning of the Sunday closest to 24th September, grandparents, parents, and grandchildren gather in the shade of an ancient oak forest and mock castle to remember in honour of the Virgin of Mercy a story which must not come to pass again: the medieval battles between Christians and the Moorish invaders claiming a tithe of One Hundred Maidens. The only suitable ending for such a battle, waged amongst sermons and chants, is the freeing of the prisoners and a fraternal dance, topped with food, drinks, rockets, and music.

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Galician Festivals of Tourist Interest