On the Way of St. James


Rúa San Paio de Antealtares 23

15704  Santiago de Compostela - A Coruña

42º 52' 50.5" N - 8º 32' 33.9" W
+34 981 583 227
+34 981 560 623


King Alfonso II founded it in the year 830, it fell into decay at the end of the 13th century, and in ruins, the Catholic Monarchs eliminated it and included it into S. Martín Pinario. In 1495, Gómez de Marzoa´s efforts to set up a college for poor students led to the monastery becoming Compostela´s first school and the origin of Galicia´s Renaissance University. The Order of benedictine nuns occupied it as of 1499. The present-day building, in baroque style, appeared between 1599 and 1744. Fernández Lechuga the closing wall of La Quintana as a large, undecorated canavas, gicving the sensation of perfection and grandeur; Velasco Agüero built the other walls of the cloister and doorway facade, with a monumental doorwayframed by four giant order Doric columns; Fernando de Casas y Novoa extended the building to the Carros Gateway, finished by Lucas Ferro Caaveiro and known as "Puerta de la Borriquita" (the Donkey Gateway), thanks to the relief image of the Flight to Egypt (Francisco de Lens, circa. 1750). Church (Friar Gabriel de las Casas, 1703-07) in cut-stone granite and tiled, two-sided roof. Greek cross ground plan extended at the western end to accommodate the choir. Simple, monumental facade with the figure of St. Pelayo Martyr. Interior covered with a dome over pendentives. Main retable by Castro Canseco.

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route
Portiguese Route by coast
The English Camino
The Fistera-Muxía Camino
The French Camino
The Northern Camino
The Primitive Camino
The Route of the Sea of Arousa and River Ulla
The Winter Camino
Vía de la Plata



Religious order
