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The earth spins around once a day, (rotation), tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees on its axis. Simultaneously, it revolves around the sun (translation) and, because of its tilt, the way in which sunlight strikes the earth’s surface varies throughout the year, giving rise to the seasons.
The equinoxes (21 March and 21 September) are the times of the year when the sun illuminates the northern and southern hemispheres equally, rising due East and setting due West. During the solstices (21 June and 21 December), the maximum points of relative tilt of the poles towards the sun are reached: North in summer and South in winter.
f we transfer this to a map of Europe and project a line of shadow over the sunsets throughout the year, we can see that the Costa da Morte is the place to watch the last sunset in continental Europe for two months of the year (from 24 March to 23 April and 18 August to 19 September). An event that is shifted at other times of the year to Cape Roca or the Cape of St. Vincent in Portugal, and to other points of the Norwegian coast.
The most iconic spots in the Costa da Morte to see the last sunset are Cape Touriñán, Monte Veladoiro (Cape Fisterra) and Alto da Moa (Monte Pindo).
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